The Top 2 Reasons to Have Indexed Universal Life

the power of zero

David starts the conversation by describing why it makes sense to have indexed universal life insurance. 

Did you know that any taxes you pay in your taxable brackets are, ironically enough, optional?

David reveals that the ideal amount of money you should have in your taxable bracket is six months of living expenses.

Once you’ve maxed out your IRA, David believes an IUL becomes a great avenue to reposition surplus money into a tax-free investment bucket.

David explains that IULs are great because they have no income limitations and no contribution limits. 

According to David, IULs don’t require you to take market risks, so they can serve as a suitable bond alternative with lower risks and higher returns over time.

If you’re married and over age 60, an IUL makes it possible to get your death benefit in advance of your death for the purpose of long-term care. 

David highlights the 3 main reasons people hate traditional long-term care insurance:

  1. It’s getting more and more expensive with time.
  2. It’s hard to qualify. Something like a bad back can mean you never get accepted.
  3. If you pay and die peacefully in your bed, the benefits pay for somebody else’s care. 

Mentioned in this episode:

David’s books: Power of Zero, Look Before Your LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free video series)

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