What your Financial Advisor Is NOT Telling You About Roth Conversions

Today’s episode is part two of David’s interview with Power of Zero Advisor Terry DuPont. 

David talks about the approach many major money management institutions follow, and how it differs from how David and Terry do things.

There are situations where large money management institutions forbid their advisors from ever bringing up, for example, Roth conversions.

David invites listeners to browse the web trying to find a Ken Fisher article discussing the benefits of a Roth conversion.

David discusses what makes the Power of Zero approach stand out in the financial planning industry.

People seem to be hungering for real solid strategies that can help insulate them from the impact of rising taxes, says David.

David lists a few reasons why the advice people may get from gurus like Dave Ramsey or find on platforms like TikTok isn’t useful.

David recommends having a balanced and comprehensive approach to tax-free retirement that takes advantage of all the nooks and crannies in the IRS tax code.

There are different things David likes about Roth IRAs, Roth 401ks, Roth Conversions, Life Insurance Retirement Plans, and tax-free social security – he touches upon them.



Mentioned in this episode:

David’s books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code



PowerOfZero.com (free 3-part video series)

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Terry DuPont

Ken Fisher

Fisher Investments

Dave Ramsey

Suze Orman

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